
2024-2025 Rates Information

Rates notices are generally sent out between July and October each year.
Rates can be paid online via BPoint.

On This Page:

Register for eRates
Payment Options & Recovery
Late Payment Interest
Objections and Appeals
Emergency Services Levy
Rebates and Deferments
Private Swimming Pool/Spa Inspection Fee
Waste Collection Rate
Change of Postal Address or Ownership

Register for eRates

Please note once your registration has been processed you will no longer receive a paper copy of your annual / instalment rate notices.

Payment Options & Recovery

  • Payment in full, or the amount of the first instalment shown on the Rates notice, must be received by the due date shown (35 days from the date of issue) unless an alternative payment arrangement has been agreed upon.
  • Payment by an instalment option includes additional instalment charges. The cost of each option is displayed on the Rate notice. Reminder notices are issued 28 days before each instalment is due. Registered pensioners are excluded from paying the instalment administration and interest charges.
  • The amount of the first instalment includes any arrears which may be outstanding from previous year/s. The instalment option is not available if arrears and any interest accrued to the date of issue are not included with the first instalment.
  • Payment may not be made by instalments where the total amount of rates (excluding arrears) is less than $200.
  • For payment made by instalment, it is necessary to pay the exact instalment amount on or before the due date to avoid late payment fees and production of the next instalment notice reminder.
  • Ratepayers experiencing financial hardship are encouraged to contact the Shire’s Rates Officer before the due date to organize an alternative payment arrangement. Any payment proposal must be in writing using the Shire’s Payment Arrangement Form and agreed upon by both parties. A Payment Arrangement fee will apply. Interest will continue to accrue until fully paid. Payment arrangements cease on 30 June each financial year. (Local Government Act 1995 s6.49)
  • Legal action for recovery may proceed where no election has been made to pay by an instalment option or alternative payment arrangement by the due date. Costs associated with legal action are recoverable from the Ratepayer and will be added to the account.


Pay by BPoint

Paying by instalments
Paying by instalments refers only to the option listed on your initial Rates notice of 4 (four) predetermined amounts. When paying by instalments, you must pay the exact instalment amount on or before the due date to avoid late payment fees and trigger production of the next instalment notice reminder. If you pay anything other than the exact listed amount, whether a higher amount of lower amount, the system will not place you on instalments. In this case, you will need to contact the Rates Officer on 9734 9000 and request to be placed on instalments. Failure to do so may result in interest accruing on your remaining balance and a Final Notice being issued instead of an Instalment Reminder Notice.

Paying by Direct Debit
Please complete the Rates Payment Plan Direct Debit Request form to arrange for payment by Direct Debit.

Late Payment Interest

Interest shall accrue on a daily basis using simple interest at rate set by the Council in the budget for that financial year (eligible Pensioners and Seniors are exempt):

o  Where an instalment option has been taken – interest accrues daily (currently 10% p.a.) on any instalment that remains unpaid after the due date of the instalment and accrues until the instalment is paid.

o  Where no instalment option has been taken – interest accrues daily (currently 10% p.a.) on rates and/or charges (including arrears) that remain unpaid after the due date shown on the annual rate notice or on an interim notice.

Objections and Appeal

Valuations – Your valuation (GRV or UV) is only one factor used to calculate your rates notice. The Valuation of Land Act 1978 (as amended) Part IV sets out how valuation objections may be lodged. A property owner may lodge an objection against the valuation of a property within 60 days of the date of issue of a rates notice. For information on how your values are calculated and how to lodge an objection, please visit Landgate’s website, or alternatively call Landgate Customer Service on +61 (0)8 9273 7373.

Section 6.81 of the Local Government Act 1995 refers that rates assessments are required to be paid by the due date, irrespective of whether an objection or appeal has been lodged. In the event of a successful objection or appeal, the rates will be adjusted, and you will be advised accordingly. Credit balances may be refunded on request.

Rate Record – Section 6.76 of the Local Government Act 1995 provides the grounds, time and the way individual objections and appeals to the Rates Record may be lodged. An objection to the Rate Book must be made in writing to the council within 42 days of the date of issue of a rates notice.

Emergency Services Levy

The Emergency Services Levy (ESL) is forwarded to the Department of Fire & Emergency Services (DFES) to fund the career Fire and Rescue service, Volunteer Fire and Rescue service, Bush Fire Brigades and SES and DFES units throughout Western Australia.

Rebates and Deferments

(Applicable only to Rates and ESL – all other charges to be paid in full by the due date)
Eligibility criteria – to be eligible for concessions under the Rates and Charges (Rebates and Deferments) Act 1992 an applicant must:

  • Be the owner and reside in the property on 1 July of the rating year, and

If a Pensioner, either:

  • must receive a pension from Centrelink or Veterans Affairs AND hold a current Pensioners Concession Card or State Concession Card, or
  • hold both a Seniors Card issued by the WA Office of Seniors Interests AND a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card; and
  • if eligible may be entitled to claim a rebate of up to 50%. The option of deferment may be available; or

If a Senior,

  • hold a Seniors Card issued by the Office of Seniors Interests. Seniors who meet the eligibility criteria are entitled to claim a rebate of up to 25% (subject to an annual maximum amount). The option of deferment is not available.

If you are not registered with Council or the Water Corporation as an eligible Pensioner or Senior, and feel that you may be eligible, please contact Council immediately. Rebates apply to current rates and ESL only, and not to rubbish collection and other charges, which must be paid in full by the due date shown on this notice. A pro-rata rebate may be available from the date of registration to Pensioners and Seniors who become eligible after 1 July of the current rating year.

Please contact Council if you meet the eligibility criteria and have rates arrears on your account, as you may be eligible to enter into a payment arrangement that, if payments are made as agreed, entitles you to a rebate or a deferment.

Once registered, you must notify Council if your circumstances change – particularly with respect to your ownership of the property or your eligibility as a Pensioner or Senior. Your registration may be amended or cancelled.

A review of all Pensioners and Seniors is undertaken every third year to ensure continued eligibility.

To claim a rebate, payment must be received by 30th June in current financial year. Rebates are funded by the WA State Government.

Private Swimming Pool/Spa Inspection Fee

Legislation requires Council to inspect the safety barriers of all private swimming pools and spas within the townsite so that a period of not more than four years elapses between inspections. The fee charged to property owners who have a pool and/or spa is to cover this requirement.

Waste Collection Rate

The Shire of Collie charges a Waste Collection Rate on all ratable properties for the purpose of providing for the waste services available in the Shire of Collie. This includes the provision of a local refuse site, street bins and street sweeping.

Change of Postal Address or Ownership

Please notify the Shire as soon as possible of any change to your postal address or any information on the front of this notice that appears incorrect by:

  • Completing this online form
  • Email: colshire@collie.wa.gov.au
  • Post: Locked Bag 6225, Collie WA 6225
  • Phone: 08 9734 9000
  • Over the counter at the Administration Office: 87 Throssell Street, Collie WA 6225