Planning Services

The Planning Department at the Shire of Collie plays a fundamental role in creating a high quality urban and rural environment by ensuring that development and land use proposals are appropriate for the area.

Forms and Fees

Planning Application Guide 2023-24
R Code Variation Application Form
Planning search request form (2024-2025)
Application for Home Business

Development Applications

A Development Application is required under the Planning and Development Act 2005 for all works on, or use of land in the Scheme Area.  This process occurs prior to the issuing of  a Building Permit (if required).  A Development Application will be required for any type of development that is not subject to an exemption. The Local Planning Scheme (LPS6) is a document that guides the way this municipal area grows and responds to changes, and assists Council in making consistent planning decisions.

There are two types of development approval:

‘works’ being any form of demolition, erection, construction, alteration or addition to any building or structure on the land; and

‘use’ being the primary or incidental use of any building or structure on the land, which may or may not include a ‘works’ component.

The Application for Development Approval Process

Under the Planning and Development Act 2005, local governments have 60 days to determine an application for planning approval, or 90 days if the application has to be advertised.  The 60 or 90 days does not commence until all the relevant information has been provided and the planning fees have been paid.  The clock ‘stops’ (the number of processing days goes on pause) if the information provided is found to be insufficient to determine the application, which sometimes occurs following referral of applications to key state government agencies for advice.

The process to determine applications for planning approval varies according to the proposed use and the zone and location in which it is proposed.  Some proposals are able to be determined quickly by Shire staff acting under delegation, and others require advertising and/or referral to key state government agencies for advice, and then determination by Council.

The Western Australian Planning Commission is the decision-making authority for subdivisions.  Subdivision guides, forms and fees can be downloaded from Commission’s website.

Unauthorised Development

If you have been operating a business or have started construction of a new development without planning approval, and you have been requested to lodge a  ‘retrospective’ application you will  incur additional fees in the assessment of your application. You may also be required to cease the development until such time as you are granted approval for the development.

Before a decision is made to construct any type of building or change current land uses, it is recommended that you contact the Planning Department on (08) 9734 9000 or visit the Shire Offices at 87 Throssell Street, Collie between the hours of 8.30am and 4.30pm. Alternatively, email your enquiry to

The Planning Department at the Shire of Collie plays a fundamental role in creating a high quality urban and rural environment by ensuring that development and land use proposals are appropriate for the area.

Planning Framework Documents

Find Shire of Collie’s Local Planning Scheme, Local Planning Strategy, Structure Plans and Policies here.


Find information on Planning for Heritage here. General information about history and heritage in the Shire of Collie can be found on our Local History page.

Home Based Businesses

There are three categories of home based businesses that may be conducted from a private residence. These categories are home office, home occupation and  home business. Find more information on the Home Based Businesses page.

Planning for Bushfire

Land in the Shire of Collie may be identified as ‘bushfire prone’. Where your property is located within a bushfire prone area, there will be additional steps to follow when you develop your property. For more information on developing on bushfire prone land, visit the Bushfire and My Development page.