Events and Activities in Public Places

The Shire of Collie encourages events, stalls, busking and trading.

To ensure events can take place in the Shire without complication, the Shire of Collie requires the completion of either an Event Application Form or a Traders and Performers Application.

These applications allow the Shire to assess the suitability of your activity and to allocate Shire staff, facilities and resources where necessary.

For large events, such as festivals, street parades and concerts, applicants will need to complete and return a Large Event Application Form and a Risk Management Plan. It is important that the Shire receives this application 2-3 months before the event is due to take place. This timeframe ensures that the applicable insurances and approvals will be in place before the event date and allows the Shire to allocate appropriate staff and services where necessary.

For smaller events, such as weddings, parties, markets and sporting events, applicants will need to complete and return a Small Event Application Package Applicants are encouraged to return small event application packages 2- 4 weeks prior to the proposed event to ensure the availability of the venue and Shire resources.

For minor activities, such as raffle ticket sales, cake stalls and busking, applicants will need to complete and return an Application for Stallholders and Traders. This application allows Shire staff to schedule activities within the Shire and ensures no clashing or disruption of activities. Applications must be submitted no later than 7 days prior to the event. PLEASE NOTE, all not for profit organisations are exempt from fees but are still required to complete this form.

For further information please contact or contact the Shire of Collie.