Information is placed on this page as and when public comment is sought on any matter. For further information, contact the Shire office by phone (9734 9000) or email.
The Shire of Collie advises that the following documents are out for public comment:
Collie Riverview Development Application
The Shire of Collie has received an application to use and/or develop land for the following purpose and public comments are invited.
Lot No: Lot 2802 (No. 1) Street: Burt Street Suburb: COLLIE, WA
Proposal: 12 X Residential Units (Residential Aged Care Facility), Roads and Landscaping
Details of the proposal are available for inspection at the Shire Office or below. Submissions may be made on the proposal in the period ending on 28 January 2024. Comments on the proposal may be submitted to the local government on or before that day.
Submissions should be sent to the Shire of Collie at 87 Throssell Street, Collie WA 6225; mailed to Locked Bag 6225, Collie WA 6225 or via email to
Phil Anastasakis
Chief Executive Officer
For and on behalf of the Shire of Collie