Council Elections

Local Government Extraordinary Election

Nominations closed at 4pm on 22 October 2024. With only one nomination received, the result of the election was that Mr Shane Sadlier was declared elected unopposed.

Shire of Collie – Unopposed – Election Results Notice LGX2024

Nominations Received

SADLIER, Shane – Profile (1)

Local government ordinary elections are held on the third Saturday in October every two years. The next election will be in 2025, with nominations open in August.

Councillors are elected for terms of four years in Western Australia. Elections are held every two years for half of the council. If a vacancy occurs within 12-months, an unsuccessful candidate may backfill the office.  If a vacancy occurs after the first 12-months, an extraordinary election may be held.

Further details are available from the WA Electoral Commission website.

At a Special Meeting of Council held on 24 October 2023, Cr Miffling was elected President and Cr Italiano was elected Deputy President for the Shire of Collie for a two year period.

Following changes to the Local Government Act 1995, local governments with a population of between 5,000 and 75,000 will have between 5 and 9 elected members. The Shire of Collie chose to transition to a reduced number of offices of councillors over two election cycles, namely to 10 in 2023 and to 9 in 2025 respectively.